▶ 比較
A 比較級の特別な用法
❶ Your English ability is superior to mine.
❷ His second novel is less interesting than the first
(= His second novel isn’t as interesting as the first one.)
❸ I think Jane is the more attractive actress of the two.
❹ Tokyo Sky Tree is thirty-four meters taller than the Canton Tower.
B 最上級の特別な用法
❺ This is the least interesting novel I’ve ever read.
❻ The influence of Christianity was strongest during the Middle Ages.
C 原級を用いたさまざまな表現
❼ Leslie is not so much an artist as a scholar.
(≒ Leslie is a scholar rather than an artist. / Leslie is more a scholar than an artist.)
❽ Jack has as many as five thousand music CDs.
❾ Mary paid as much as five thousand dollars for the painting.
D 比較級を用いたさまざまな表現
❿ Cherry blossoms are all the more beautiful for lasting only a short time.
⓫ I don’t have enough money to buy a new TV, much less a new car.
⓬ Any politician should know better than to use such rude words during a ceremony.
⓭ Significant improvements in measuring instruments have helped to make maps more or less perfect.
⓮ The song is more sad than beautiful.
E 〈否定+比較級〉の構文
⓯ Theory without proof is no more useful in study than a wild guess (is).
⓰ She is no less gentle with children than her sister (is).
⓱ Robert took no more than a week to finish painting the picture.
⓲ The research on the environment of the city took no less than ten years.
⓳ It’s not more than two kilometers to the village.
⓴ It will cost not less than 300,000 yen to repair the car.
F 最上級を用いたさまざまな表現
I can lend you only 200 dollars at (the) most.
It takes at least two hours to get there from here.
We should make the best of this opportunity.
A 比較級の特別な用法
❶ Your English ability is superior to mine.
❶ 「あなたの英語力は私よりもすぐれています。」
❷ His second novel is less interesting than the first one.
(= His second novel isn’t as interesting as the first one.)
❷ 「彼の 2 番目の小説は最初の小説ほどおもしろくない。」
❸ I think Jane is the more attractive actress of the two.
❸ 「私は,ジェーンの方が 2 人の女優のうちで,より魅力的な女優だと思います。」
❹ Tokyo Sky Tree is thirty-four meters taller than the Canton Tower.
❹ 「東京スカイツリーは広東タワー(広州塔)よりも 34 メートル高い。」
B 最上級の特別な用法
❺ This is the least interesting novel I’ve ever read.
❺ 「これは私が今まで読んだ中で最もつまらない小説です。」
❻ The influence of Christianity was strongest during the Middle Ages.
❻ 「キリスト教の影響は,中世の間に最も強くなりました。」
C 原級を用いたさまざまな表現
❼ Leslie is not so much an artist as a scholar.
(≒ Leslie is a scholar rather than an artist. / Leslie is more a scholar than an artist.)
❼ 「レスリーは芸術家というよりはむしろ学者です。」
❽ Jack has as many as five thousand music CDs.
❽ 「ジャックは 5 千枚もの音楽 CD を持っています。」
❾ Mary paid as much as five thousand dollars for the painting.
❾ 「メアリーはその絵画に 5 千ドルも払いました。」
D 比較級を用いたさまざまな表現
❿ Cherry blossoms are all the more beautiful for lasting only a short time.
❿ 「桜の花はつかの間しかもたないので,それだけいっそう美しいのです。」
⓫ I don’t have enough money to buy a new TV, much less a new car.
⓫ 「私には新しいテレビを買うのに十分なお金がありませんし,ましてや新車を買うお金なんてありません。」
⓬ Any politician should know better than to use such rude words during a ceremony.
⓬ 「どんな政治家も,式典の最中にそんな無礼な言葉を使わない程度の分別を持つべきです。」
⓭ Significant improvements in measuring instruments have helped to make maps more or less perfect.
⓭ 「計測器の著しい向上が地図をほとんど完璧なものにするのに役立ってきました。」
⓮ The song is more sad than beautiful.
⓮ 「その歌は美しいというよりはむしろ悲しい。」
E 〈否定+比較級〉の構文
⓯ Theory without proof is no more useful in study than a wild guess (is).
⓯ 「証拠のない理論はでたらめな憶測と同じように研究には役に立ちません。」
⓰ She is no less gentle with children than her sister (is).
⓰ 「彼女は,彼女の姉〔妹〕と同じように子供に対して優しいです。」
⓱ Robert took no more than a week to finish painting the picture.
⓱ 「ロバートがその絵を描き上げるのに 1 週間しかかかりませんでした。」
⓲ The research on the environment of the city took no less than ten years.
⓲ 「その市の環境についての研究は 10 年もかかりました。」
⓳ It’s not more than two kilometers to the village.
⓳ 「その村まではせいぜい2キロです。」
⓴ It will cost not less than 300,000 yen to repair the car.
⓴ 「その車を修理するのには少なくとも 30 万円かかるでしょう。」
F 最上級を用いたさまざまな表現
I can lend you only 200 dollars at (the) most.
「私はあなたにはせいぜい 200 ドルしか貸せません。」
It takes at least two hours to get there from here.
「ここからそこに行くには少なくとも 2 時間かかります。」
We should make the best of this opportunity.