1 準否定語 hardly
a. I can hardly wait.
b. Thousands of years ago, there were hardly any maps at all.
2 接続詞as の用法
a. As knowledge of the Earthʼs geography grew, maps became more detailed.
b. Jerusalem was placed at the center of the map, as it was thought to be the center of civilization.
c. It began to rain (just) as we were about to leave the hotel.
3 result in ~「~という結果をもたらす,~という結果に終わる」
a. His careless driving resulted in a serious accident.
⇔ The serious accident resulted from his careless driving.
b. The influence of Christianity in Europe during the Middle Ages resulted in a return to the flat Earth theory.
4 many of ~「~の多く」
a. Many of his books were lost in the fire five years ago.
b. Many of the earliest maps during this era were drawn in the T-O style.
5〈無生物主語+allow+ O + to do〉「~のおかげで O は…できる」
a. Network technology allows people in different places to work together.
b. The invention of the printing press allowed large numbers of people to share ever more detailed and accurate maps.
6 〈with +(代)名詞+分詞・形容詞〉
a. With intellectual curiosity throughout the world increasing, there was a distinct shift
in maps from the religious to the mathematical.
(= As intellectual curiosity ... increased, ...)
b. With the vast variety of maps available today, people can see any part of the world from
the comfort of their own homes.
(= Because a vast variety of maps is〔are〕available today, ...)
1 準否定語 hardly
a. I can hardly wait.
a. 「待ち遠しい。(もう待っていられない。)」
b. Thousands of years ago, there were hardly any maps at all.
b. 「何千年も前には,地図はほとんどまったくなかったのです。」
2 接続詞as の用法
a. As knowledge of the Earthʼs geography grew, maps became more detailed.
a. 「地球の地理に関する知識が増えるにつれて,地図はさらに詳細になりました。」
b. Jerusalem was placed at the center of the map, as it was thought to be the center of civilization.
b. 「エルサレムが地図の中央に配置されましたが,それはエルサレムが文明の中心であると考えられていたからです。」
c. It began to rain (just) as we were about to leave the hotel.
c. 「私たちがホテルを出ようとしたちょうどその時,雨が降り出しました。」
3 result in ~「~という結果をもたらす,~という結果に終わる」
a. His careless driving resulted in a serious accident.
⇔ The serious accident resulted from his careless driving.
a. 「彼の不注意な運転が重大事故を招きました。」
⇔ 「その重大事故は彼の不注意な運転に起因しました。」
b. The influence of Christianity in Europe during the Middle Ages resulted in a return to the flat Earth theory.
b. 「中世の間のヨーロッパにおけるキリスト教の影響の結果,地球平面説への回帰が生じました。」
4 many of ~「~の多く」
a. Many of his books were lost in the fire five years ago.
a. 「彼の本の多くは 5 年前の火災で失われました。」
b. Many of the earliest maps during this era were drawn in the T-O style.
b. 「この時代の最も初期の地図の多くは,T-O 型で描かれていました。」
5〈無生物主語+allow+ O + to do〉「~のおかげで O は…できる」
a. Network technology allows people in different places to work together.
a. 「ネットワーク技術のおかげで異なる場所にいる人々が一緒に働くことができます。」
b. The invention of the printing press allowed large numbers of people to share ever more detailed and accurate maps.
b. 「印刷機の発明によって多くの人々がこれまで以上に詳細かつ正確な地図を共有できるようになりました。」
6 〈with +(代)名詞+分詞・形容詞〉
a. With intellectual curiosity throughout the world increasing, there was a distinct shift
in maps from the religious to the mathematical.
(= As intellectual curiosity ... increased, ...)
a. 「世界中で知的好奇心が高まりつつあったので,地図には宗教的なものから数学的なものへの明確な転換が見られました。」
b. With the vast variety of maps available today, people can see any part of the world from
the comfort of their own homes.
(= Because a vast variety of maps is〔are〕available today, ...)
b. 「今日では膨大な種類の地図が利用できるので,人々は世界のどの地域についても自宅でくつろいだまま見ることができるのです。」