Lesson10 の本文では,各時代・各地域の地図が,さまざまな要因により変化し,発達してきたことを学習しました。結果(結論)を導く原因(根拠)は,1つとは限りません。主張と,それをサポートする根拠との因果関係に注意しながら,次の問題に取り組みましょう。
Read the passage below and answer the following questions.
Can you imagine a world without the potato? Hamburgers without fries? It seems strange to think that until the 16th century nobody in Europe or Asia had ever heard of the potato.
The potato was first grown in Peru, perhaps as much as 7,000 years ago, and was brought to Europe by the Spanish. From Europe it soon spread to China, arriving in the early 17th century. From China the potato traveled to Indonesia and from Jakarta traders took it to Japan, where it became known as the jagaimo, or “potato from Jakarta.”
In Europe, meanwhile, people discovered that the potato . ①In Ireland the potato became a staple food. Food was suddenly abundant and the population quickly doubled. Too many Irish people, however, had become dependent on the potato and in the 19th century when the crop failed due to disease, a million people starved to death. ②More than a million others emigrated. This is known as the Irish Potato Famine.
The potato changed our diet and changed our history. Think of that next time you eat one!
Understanding Cause and Effect (因果関係を読み解く問題)
(1) All but one of the phrases below could fill the blank to provide grounds for the underlined sentence ①. Choose the one phrase that does not fit.
(2) What led to the situation described in the underlined sentence ②? Choose the answer that does not reflect a reason given in the passage.