1 Circle the most appropriate options from the words in the parentheses.

⑴ Ken has many friends, some of( whom ; who ) belong to the same club as he does.

⑵ I met a girl on the street ( where ; who ) I believe is Masashiʼs little sister.

⑶  Betty is beautiful. ( Which ; What ) is more, she is very intelligent.

2 Fill in each blank with a suitable word.

⑴ 家を出ようとしているちょうどその時,バートから電話がかかってきた。
= I was just about to leave my house when Burt called me.

⑵ 市内にサッカースタジアムを造るというアイデアは人々を興奮させた。
= The idea of building a soccer stadium in the city excited people.

⑶ この部屋の中では写真を撮ってはいけないことになっています。
= Youʼre not supposed〔allowed / permitted〕 to take pictures inside this room.

3 Put the words in parentheses in the correct order

⑴ アヤは冬休み中にいくつかケーキを焼いたが,それらはみな家族に喜ばれた。
Aya baked several cakes during her winter vacation, ( which / of / enjoyed / were / all ) by her family.
→ Aya baked several cakes during her winter vacation, all of which were enjoyed by her family.

⑵ 彼女はいわゆる倹約家だ。
( called / is / is / what / she ) a person of economy.
She is what is called a person of economy.

⑶ その都市の人口は10年前と比べると大幅に増加した。
The population of the city has increased greatly ( with / what / it / compared / was ) ten years ago.
→ The population of the city has increased greatly compared with what it was ten years ago.

⑶ 私たちは毎日きれいな水が飲めるのは当たり前だと考えがちだ。
We tend to ( granted / take / for / that / it ) we can drink clean water every day.
→ We tend to take it for granted that we can drink clean water every day.


Put the Japanese sentences into English, referring to the passage. Use the words in the parentheses, changing their form if necessary.

⑴  この部屋の壁の色は部屋全体を明るく見せるようだ。それによって,印象がまるで変わってしまう。 (bright, which, completely)

⑴ (例1)The color of the walls in〔of〕this room seems to make the whole room look bright, which completely changes the impression it gives (you)〔one gets / you get〕.
 (例2)It seems that the color of the walls in〔of〕this room makes the whole room look bright, which completely changes the impression it gives (you) 〔one gets / you get〕.

⑵  どちらの画家も日本ではあまり有名ではないが,一度美術館で彼らの作品を見れば,あなたはその才能を理解することだろう。 (neither, once, appreciate)

⑵ Neither of the painters is very famous in Japan, but once you see〔look at〕their works in the〔a〕museum, you will appreciate their talent.


Describe yourself in 2-3 sentences, using the key expression given below.

Key expression :take ~ for granted「~を当たり前と考える」