▶ 関係詞1
A 句や節(の一部)を先行詞とするwhich
❶ Tom broke his promise to Sarah , which made her very angry.
❷ Reversing the angle seems to close off and limit the area , which changes your perception of the length of the lines.
B 先行詞の一部について補足説明をする
❸ Misato took nearly 100 pictures during her trip to Europe , some of which were of castles.
❹ So far Steve has written 10 novels , all of which are very popular.
C 関係代名詞what を用いたさまざまな表現
❺ The city has grown rapidly and is now different from what it was ten years ago.
❻ Peter has changed since the accident. He is not what he used to be.
❼ Wind power is what is called clean energy.
❽ This guidebook gives us useful information, and, what is more, shows us beautiful photographs.
❾ An engine is to a car what a heart is to a human body.
❿ What with cleaning my room and (what with) doing the wash, I was busy all day long.
D 関係形容詞
⓫ Henry put what (little) money he had into his business.
E 関係代名詞のあとに挿入節(I think, I believe など)が続く場合
⓬ The lady who I thought was Bill’s mother turned out to be his aunt.
A 句や節(の一部)を先行詞とするwhich
❶ Tom broke his promise to Sarah , which made her very angry.
❶ 「トムはサラとの約束を破り,そのことで彼女はとても怒りました。」
❷ Reversing the angle seems to close off and limit the area , which changes your perception of the length of the lines.
❷ 「角を反転させるとその空間を閉ざして制限しているように見え,それが線の長さに対するあなたの知覚を変えているのです。」
B 先行詞の一部について補足説明をする
❸ Misato took nearly 100 pictures during her trip to Europe , some of which were of castles.
❸ 「ミサトはヨーロッパ旅行中に約 100 枚の写真を撮りましたが,そのうち何枚かはお城の写真でした。」
❹ So far Steve has written 10 novels , all of which are very popular.
❹ 「これまでスティーブは小説を 10 作書き,そのすべてがとても人気があります。」
C 関係代名詞what を用いたさまざまな表現
❺ The city has grown rapidly and is now different from what it was ten years ago.
❺ 「その市は急速に発展し,今は 10 年前の姿とは異なっています。」
❻ Peter has changed since the accident. He is not what he used to be.
❻ 「ピーターはその事故以来変わってしまいました。彼はかつての彼ではありません。」
❼ Wind power is what is called clean energy.
❼ 「風力はいわゆるクリーンエネルギーです。」
❽ This guidebook gives us useful information, and, what is more, shows us beautiful photographs.
❽ 「このガイドブックは私たちに役に立つ情報を与えてくれますし,そのうえ,私たちに美しい写真を見せてくれます。」
❾ An engine is to a car what a heart is to a human body.
❾ 「エンジンの車に対する関係は,心臓の人体に対する関係と同じです。」
❿ What with cleaning my room and (what with) doing the wash, I was busy all day long.
❿ 「自分の部屋の掃除や洗濯やらで,私は一日中忙しかったのです。」
D 関係形容詞
⓫ Henry put what (little) money he had into his business.
⓫ 「ヘンリーは(少ないながらも)自分の持っている限りのお金を自分の事業につぎ込みました。」
E 関係代名詞のあとに挿入節(I think, I believe など)が続く場合
⓬ The lady who I thought was Bill’s mother turned out to be his aunt.
⓬ 「私がビルのお母さんだと思った女性は彼のおばさんだとわかりました。」