▶ 動名詞
A 動名詞の形:意味上の主語を示す場合
❶ The thought of my anointing myself with the title of “president” perturbed my father.
❷ Ann is sure of her son〔her son’s〕 passing the examination.
B 動名詞の形:否定形・受動態・完了形
❸ Paul realized that Stanford was missing a huge opportunity by not finding ways for the medical school to work with the engineering school to invent new medical technologies.
❹ Sam has no chance of being elected captain of the team.
❺ Jack is proud of having won the contest.
( = ... proud that he won ~.)
C 動名詞を用いた慣用表現
❻ There is no telling what will happen tomorrow.
❼ It would be no use owning a telephone if no one else had one.
❽ It goes without saying that nothing is more important than health.
❾ The art museum is worth visiting.
❿ The roof of the house needs repairing.
= The roof of the house needs to be repaired.
⓫ I got used to learning that my father had received promotions.
⓫ On appearing on the stage, Lucy began to sing a lovely
= As soon as Lucy appeared on the stage, she began to sing a lovely song.
⓭ You have to be very careful in using this machine.
= You have to be very careful when you use this machine.
⓮ Andy never goes out without losing his umbrella.
A 動名詞の形:意味上の主語を示す場合
❶ The thought of my anointing myself with the title of “president” perturbed my father.
❶ 「私が自らを『社長』の地位に指名するという考えは父を動揺させました。」
❷ Ann is sure of her son〔her son’s〕 passing the examination.
❷ 「アンは自分の息子がその試験に合格することを確信しています。」
B 動名詞の形:否定形・受動態・完了形
❸ Paul realized that Stanford was missing a huge opportunity by not finding ways for the medical school to work with the engineering school to invent new medical technologies.
❸ 「ポールは,新しい医療技術を発明するために,医学部が工学部と共に取り組む方法を見つけていないことによって,スタンフォード大学が大きなチャンスを逃していることに気づきました。」
❹ Sam has no chance of being elected captain of the team.
❹ 「サムにはそのチームの主将に選ばれる可能性がありません。」
❺ Jack is proud of having won the contest.
( = ... proud that he won ~.)
❺ 「ジャックはそのコンテストで優勝したことを誇りに思っています。」
C 動名詞を用いた慣用表現
❻ There is no telling what will happen tomorrow.
❻ 「明日何が起こるのかわかりません。」
❼ It would be no use owning a telephone if no one else had one.
❼ 「もし他の誰一人として電話機を持っていないとしたら,電話機を所有しても無駄でしょう。」
❽ It goes without saying that nothing is more important than health.
❽ 「健康よりも大切なものはないことは言うまでもありません。」
❾ The art museum is worth visiting.
❾ 「その美術館は訪れる価値があります。」
❿ The roof of the house needs repairing.
= The roof of the house needs to be repaired.
❿ 「その家の屋根は修理する必要があります。」
⓫ I got used to learning that my father had received promotions.
⓫ 「私は父が昇進したことを知るのに慣れました。」
⓫ On appearing on the stage, Lucy began to sing a lovely song.
=As soon as Lucy appeared on the stage, she began to sing a lovely song.
⓫ 「舞台に現れるとすぐに,ルーシーはすてきな歌を歌い始めました。」
⓭ You have to be very careful in using this machine.
= You have to be very careful when you use this machine.
⓭ 「この機械を使う時は,とても慎重でなければなりません。」
⓮ Andy never goes out without losing his umbrella.
⓮ 「アンディーは出かけると必ず傘をなくします。」