▶ 不定詞1
A 不定詞の名詞用法:形式目的語
❶ I found it difficult to repair the bike by myself.
❷ Doing so makes it easier for the deer to reach vegetation in areas of the island they would not have visited before.
B 不定詞の副詞用法:‘結果’ を表す表現
❸ I got home to find the door was not locked.( = I got home and found ...)
❹ Lucy tried to bake a cake, only to fail. ( = Lucy tried to bake a cake, but she failed.)
❺ My brother left Japan for Canada, never to return.( =My brother left Japan for Canada, and did not return again.)
❻ My uncle lived to be 100.( = My uncle lived until he was 100.)
C 不定詞の副詞用法:形容詞を修飾する場合
❼ This math problem is very difficult to solve.( = It is very difficult to solve this math problem.)
❽ Mike is pleasant to talk to.( = It is pleasant to talk to Mike.)
D 話法の転換:伝達する内容が命令文/Let’s ... の場合
❾ Lisa is sure to win the cooking contest.( = I’m sure Lisa will win the cooking contest.)
❿ I’m willing to help you with your homework.
⓫ It is likely to rain tomorrow.( = It is likely that it will rain tomorrow.)
A 不定詞の名詞用法:形式目的語
❶ I found it difficult to repair the bike by myself.
❶ 「私は自分でその自転車を修理するのは難しいことがわかりました。」
❷ Doing so makes it easier for the deer to reach vegetation in areas of the island they would not have visited before.
❷ 「そうすることによって,シカたちが以前は訪れもしなかった島のいくつかの地域の植物に到達するのが,より容易になっているのです。」
B 不定詞の副詞用法:‘結果’ を表す表現
❸ I got home to find the door was not locked.( = I got home and found ...)
❸ 「私が家に帰ると,ドアに鍵がかかっていないことがわかりました。」
❹ Lucy tried to bake a cake, only to fail. ( = Lucy tried to bake a cake, but she failed.)
❹ 「ルーシーはケーキを焼こうとしたが,結局失敗しました。」
❺ My brother left Japan for Canada, never to return.( = My brother left Japan for Canada, and did not return again.)
❺ 「私の兄〔弟〕は日本を発ってカナダに行ってしまい,二度と戻ってきませんでした。」
❻ My uncle lived to be 100.( = My uncle lived until he was 100.)
❻ 「私のおじは100歳まで生きました。」
C 不定詞の副詞用法:形容詞を修飾する場合
❼ This math problem is very difficult to solve.( = It is very difficult to solve this math problem.)
❼ 「この数学の問題は解くのがとても難しい。」
❽ Mike is pleasant to talk to.( = It is pleasant to talk to Mike.)
❽ 「マイクは話していて気持ちのよい人物です。」
D 話法の転換:伝達する内容が命令文/Let’s ... の場合
❾ Lisa is sure to win the cooking contest.( = I’m sure Lisa will win the cooking contest.)
❾ 「リサはきっと料理コンテストで勝つでしょう。」
❿ I’m willing to help you with your homework.
❿ 「私は喜んであなたの宿題を手伝いましょう。」
⓫ It is likely to rain tomorrow.( = It is likely that it will rain tomorrow.)
⓫ 「明日は雨が降りそうです。」