1 one ~ after another「ひとつまたひとつの~」
a. George read one mystery novel after another.
(= George read mystery novels one after another.)
b. One species after another will be lost in a chain reaction.
(= Species will be lost one after another in a chain reaction.)
2 concern 〜「〜を心配させる」
a. The problem has greatly concerned scientists who study the island.
b. Donʼt concern yourself about what those people said.
c. I’m very concerned about your examination.
cf. Lisa is concerned with the
3 that 節(名詞節)を受ける形式主語It
a. It was also found that the bark of trees in the forest is peeling and withering.
b. It is possible that Mary got involved in some trouble.
4 譲歩・対照を表す接続詞while
a. While Mike knew it was cold outside, he went out for a walk without his jacket.
b. The plants most favored by the yakushika are disappearing most rapidly, while those the deer dislike are disappearing more slowly.
5 不定詞の否定形
a. The visitors are told not to feed the deer.
b. Be careful not to forget your umbrella, as it will rain this afternoon.
6 due to ~「~のために,~のせいで」(≒ because of ~)
a. Due to warmer temperatures during the winter months, more deer are surviving the cold season.
b. Your success is due to your hard work.
7 lead to ~「(結果として)~をもたらす,~につながる」
a. Our attempts to solve the problems can lead to unintended consequences.
b. Dr. Yukawa carried out research which led to the discovery of a new material.
1 one ~ after another「ひとつまたひとつの~」
a. George read one mystery novel after another.
(= George read mystery novels one after another.)
a. 「ジョージは次から次へと推理小説を読みました。」
b. One species after another will be lost in a chain reaction.
(= Species will be lost one after another in a chain reaction.)
b. 「次から次へと種が連鎖反応的に失われるでしょう。」
2 concern 〜「〜を心配させる」
a. The problem has greatly concerned scientists who study the island.
a. 「この問題はこの島を研究する科学者たちを大いに心配させました。」
b. Donʼt concern yourself about what those people said.
b. 「あの人たちが言ったことを気にしてはいけません。」
c. I’m very concerned about your examination.
cf. Lisa is concerned with the
c. 「私はあなたの試験のことをとても心配しています。」
3 that 節(名詞節)を受ける形式主語It
a. It was also found that the bark of trees in the forest is peeling and withering.
a. 「森林の木々の樹皮がはがれたり枯れたりしていることもわかりました。」
b. It is possible that Mary got involved in some trouble.
b. 「メアリーは何かごたごたに巻き込まれた可能性があります。」
4 譲歩・対照を表す接続詞while
a. While Mike knew it was cold outside, he went out for a walk without his jacket.
a. 「マイクは外が寒いと知っていたのに,上着を着ずに散歩に出かけました。」
b. The plants most favored by the yakushika are disappearing most rapidly, while those the deer dislike are disappearing more slowly.
b. 「ヤクシカが最も好む植物が最も急速に消えつつある一方で,このシカが好まないものは比較的ゆっくりと消えています。」
5 不定詞の否定形
a. The visitors are told not to feed the deer.
a. 「観光客はシカにえさをやらないように言われます。」
b. Be careful not to forget your umbrella, as it will rain this afternoon.
b. 「今日の午後は雨が降るようだから,傘を忘れないように気をつけなさい。」
6 due to ~「~のために,~のせいで」(≒ because of ~)
a. Due to warmer temperatures during the winter months, more deer are surviving the cold season.
a. 「冬場の,以前より暖かな気温が原因で,寒い季節を生き延びるシカが増えています。」
b. Your success is due to your hard work.
b. 「あなたが成功したのは努力をしたからです。」
7 lead to ~「(結果として)~をもたらす,~につながる」
a. Our attempts to solve the problems can lead to unintended consequences.
a. 「問題を解決するための私たちの試みは,思いもよらない結果を招きかねないのです。」
b. Dr. Yukawa carried out research which led to the discovery of a new material.
b. 「湯川博士は新しい物質の発見につながる研究を行いました。」