▶ 不定詞2
A 〈自動詞+ to 不定詞〉の重要表現
❶ Mary has got to know Japanese history since she came to Japan.
❷ Alex happened to be at the scene of the traffic accident.
B 不定詞の受動態と進行形
❸ We hope to be invited to the ceremony next month.
❹ Anger against the government seems to be growing among the people.
C be 動詞+ to 不定詞
❺ Prime Minister Ito is to visit Australia next month.
❻ You are to take part in the morning practice.
❼ He was never to see his hometown again during his life.
❽ If your team is to win, you must try to place your stones closest to the center of the house.
D 独立不定詞
❾ To begin with, I must apologize for taking so long to reply to your e-mail.
❿ Needless to say, the Internet has become one of the most important communication tools in our lives.
E 代不定詞
⓫ Curling requires much more strength than it appears to.( = ... it appears to require.)
A 〈自動詞+ to 不定詞〉の重要表現
❶ Mary has got to know Japanese history since she came to Japan.
❶ 「メアリーは日本に来て以来,日本の歴史を知るようになりました。」
❷ Alex happened to be at the scene of the traffic accident.
❷ 「アレックスはたまたまその交通事故の現場にいました。」
B 不定詞の受動態と進行形
❸ We hope to be invited to the ceremony next month.
❸ 「私たちは来月の式典に招待されることを願っています。」
❹ Anger against the government seems to be growing among the people.
❹ 「政府に対する怒りが国民の間で増大しているようです。」
C be 動詞+ to 不定詞
❺ Prime Minister Ito is to visit Australia next month.
❺ 「イトウ首相は来月,オーストラリアを訪れる予定です。」
❻ You are to take part in the morning practice.
❻ 「あなたは朝練に参加しなければいけません。」
❼ He was never to see his hometown again during his life.
❼ 「彼は生きている間は決して再び故郷を見ることはありませんでした。」
❽ If your team is to win, you must try to place your stones closest to the center of the house.
❽ 「もしあなたのチームが勝とうとするならば,ハウスの中心から最も近くにストーンを置こうとしなければいけません。」
D 独立不定詞
❾ To begin with, I must apologize for taking so long to reply to your e-mail.
❾ 「まず第一に,私はあなたの E メールに返信するのにたいへん長くかかりましたことをおわびしなければなりません。」
❿ Needless to say, the Internet has become one of the most important communication tools in our lives.
❿ 「言うまでもなく,インターネットは私たちの生活の中で最も重要な意思伝達の道具の1つになりました。」
E 代不定詞
⓫ Curling requires much more strength than it appears to.( = ... it appears to require.)
⓫ 「カーリングは見かけよりもはるかに力を必要とします。」