Australian urban development promoted by Japanese companies
Participants actually observe the town during fieldwork exercises.
The news has often touched upon the issue of vacant housing in recent years. One major cause is the declining population. The population of Japan peaked in 2008, and by 2017, it had dropped by more than one million. That is the same as saying the entire population of Akita Prefecture had disappeared. The declining population is having various effects on our society. Vacant houses are one problem, and it is becoming a particularly serious problem in urban areas. In addition, the average age of the population continues to rise, and it is predicted that 1/3 of the population will be elderly by 2030. The various problems caused by the aging population of cities will be major. It is important to conduct research into these issues and cultivate the individuals who can deal with them.
In research fields where experimentation is difficult or impossible, scientists make use of methods that allow for comparisons with historical examples or cases in other countries. Law and urban planning are two such fields. Now, everyone should understand why we cannot simply introduce laws on a trial basis, or build cities to live in for the time being. This is a good place to introduce Tokyo City University, where its Faculty of Urban Life Studies conducts research on urban issues.
The Tokyo City University Australia Program (TAP) is a two-year program that includes a four-month study abroad period at Edith Cowan University in Perth, the capital of Western Australia. Students in the program study English, but they also study urban trends and analysis, a subject related to urban planning. The course has the students observe the city of Perth, and analyze how it is changing from a historical perspective and from various other points of view.
The land has been subdivided and a community is now developing.
都市生活学部 学部長。未来都市研究機構長。専門は土木計画学、交通工学、都市計画。『環境スペシャリストをめざす』『集客の科学』など著書多数。東京の未来を研究する「未来都市研究機構」は、魅力ある未来都市創生に貢献する超高齢社会の活気ある街の研究と実用化を実現する国際的なリーダーを目指し、全学部が一体となった取り組み。